As expected, California walnut prices rose after the surprisingly low Objective Measurement estimate for a crop of 630K tons released on August 30th. Packers withdrew from the market until the handler meeting on September 5th and offers have been limited in recent days, especially on Chandler in-shell walnuts. There is a widespread motivation to wait and see the nuts coming in from the orchards in order to gauge the crop size and characteristics. Given the low Objective, suppliers are keen to receive the crop and do crack-out tests so they can assess quality and yields before offering. This is especially the case for higher half count products like Chandler LHP 80%. As buyers remain eager to fill orders for earliest available shipments and sellers hold-out, prices are rising.
Is the 2019 walnut crop short? If so, by how much? If the crop comes in as the Objective suggests at 630K tons, that would be significantly lower than the recent Subjective estimate of 691K tons and also below last year’s crop of 676K tons. If demand remains strong like last year, as evidenced by robust shipments of both in-shell and kernel in the 2018/2019 season, suppliers will have no trouble moving the new crop. In this case, suppliers would be comfortable seeking out and waiting for the highest possible prices for their material.
We expect Chandler in-shell offers to be available very soon. This past Friday, September 13, there was a meeting in northern California for walnut growers which will likely help formulate current price ideas. Offers and shipments will begin in earnest in the coming weeks so let us know if you have any immediate and long term contract needs for both in-shell and kernel.
We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).
There are new prices for bulk California Natural Thompson seedless raisins at lower levels. Prompt shipment deals are available. There are plentiful supplies of California raisins and we welcome your inquiries.
The 2019 California raisin harvest is underway. The first trays for raisin-drying were set on the ground to lay and dry in the sun around the week of September 26th which is slightly later than last year. The crop is estimated to be similar compared to the prior year. So far, quality looks excellent.
We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.
New crop almond marketing is now quite active. The transition to new crop has been especially tight which can be seen in the carry-in as of August 1, 2019 of 318MM lbs down 11% compared to the same time last year.
Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.
As we move closer to new crop pecan shipments, pricing is becoming more widely available for in-shell and shelled pecans and we welcome your inquiries.
We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.
There is availability for Sliced and Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) and supplies are expected to be more plentiful in the year ahead which should enable more stable and attractive pricing compared to last year.
We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.