The California chandler harvest is nearing the final stages, and many packers are anticipating that within the next two weeks the majority of the harvest will be completed. As the larger growers reach the end of their harvest, we are beginning to see that the total quantity of the crop is likely much lower than first anticipated. Some handlers are reporting their receiving records for Chandler may be off as much as 10-15% over last year with some packers reporting Howards may be off as much as 30%.
If the reduced crop size being reported is correct, the total overall crop could be around 600,000 tons which would be some 70,000 tons short of the original estimate. This may ultimately cushion California packers’ higher opening prices from any potential competition from lower priced international origins like China and the Baltics.
We have heard that China is selling walnuts at a lower price to buyers in Turkey and elsewhere, although it is difficult to know if the quality and standards compared to those in the USA. Many buyers who are testing this origin do so cautiously in case consumers do not approve of quality or the taste from China’s walnut orchards.
Due to this purchasing movement in China and the Baltics, some California packers think that shipments may be down briefly in the short term, but picking up again around December and we head into the New Year. It is unlikely that prices will come down for California walnuts if the crop turns out to be as short as receipts suggest. Once the extent of the short crop is more widely known, prices are likely to firm through the New Year, into Chinese New Year, and through Ramadan. California walnuts will be some of the best and only supply through these key purchasing periods as Chile continues to experience a record breaking drought that will affect their walnut production leading into April / May 2020.
We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).
Demand for California pistachios remains high with many packers continuing to report a smaller than expected total crop. Similar to what we have seen in walnuts, the pistachio crop is being harvested later than usual, perhaps due to heavier than usual rains experienced throughout the Central Valley this past spring.
As pistachios are already a nut in high demand around the world, expect the shorter crop to firm prices through the next major purchasing periods of New Year, Chinese New Year, and Ramadan.
We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.
New crop offers for halves and pieces are becoming more widely available entering November and December. It seems this year’s crop has recovered some from the damage of 2018’s hurricanes and last year’s smaller crop in Texas. Favorable conditions and a lack of major weather events this year mean steady supply which has led to some lower than expected opening prices in the Southern US growing regions.
The trade issues with China will no doubt continue to negatively affect many in-shell pecan sellers across the US as we have seen pricing soften in the last months.
We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.
The California raisin harvest is approaching the final few weeks with receipts from the field showing great quality fruit. Japan remains a major player for California raisins while other buying regions continue to explore lower priced origins. Chile is experiencing historic droughts that will affect their total raisin output in 2020. California raisin prices may firm in the early part of 2020 as a result.
We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.
The Wisconsin, USA crop is currently estimated to be smaller than last year with both Massachusetts, USA and British Columbia, Canada looking to be shorter as well. Although many growers are reporting that it is likely too soon to say for sure, their guess is that overall this year’s crop could be down 1 - 1.2mm barrels.
We think once the totals come in after the harvest is over and processors assess their current inventories it is likely prices will rise. This is unlikely to hit the broader market for some months though, as many processors and buyers have current stocks to work through.
There is wide availability on organic whole and sliced sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs). Conventional whole SDC availability is tighter than conventional sliced SDC. Without handler withholdings for the year ahead and with successful harvests, we anticipate more reliable supply and stable prices than in the past year.
We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.
After what many believed to be a great start to the US sunflower crop, has slowly turned from bad to worse as weather deteriorates. According to a recent report from North Dakota’s Department of Agriculture, some 4% of the state’s total sunflower crop has been harvested. With recent snow and colder temperatures the breadth of these problems are likely not yet known. If these weather events lead to a short crop, prices for US sunflower will certainly rise in the coming weeks.
We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.